Our main goal is to make you win to Lotto and Euro Millions

So we give you a Extended Guarantee1 by Renewing your Free Pack 10 or 15 Credits2, if you get no lot with our Grids or EuroMillions Lotto, during the validity of it.


 How to renew?
- upon request3
(after verification of EuroMillions or Lotto
Grids that have been assigned to you).
What should I specify ?
- object: Renewal
- Your identifier
- name of your Pack (10 or 15 Credits)


1 Satisfaction Guarantee to our Pronofaste® Grids, which applies to packs credits reserved for this single use. Credits used to access Prognostics or EuroMillions Lotto, void the warranty Pack batch concerned..
2 (Out Promotions and Offers).
3 In the week following the exhaustion of the Credit Pack in question, before any other command.



The PronoFaste Commitments®

For ethical reasons, here are the obligations we impose on ourselves :

 Confidentiality : We are committed to respect for individual privacy. Any personal information will be distributed under any circumstances.
 Anonymity : The information about the winners, users PronoFaste® Grids, can only be used with the agreement of the interested
 Unsubscribe : If unsubscribe, we are committed to completely erase from our files all your registration data (excluding data affiliate for Gain-Fast).
 Traceability : The PronoFaste® Grids are filed before the prints in a bailiff * in any verification of good regularity.

Our systems, our services and marketing are especially designed to prevent or fight against gambling addiction.

We are committed to maintaining and improving the operational policy.

Some useful addresses:

SEDAP = Société d’Entraide et d’Action Psychologique.

ADDISS = Unité spéciale concernant les addictions comportementales aux jeux.

CRJE = Centre de Référence sur le Jeu Excessif.

* Maître Guillaume WLOSTOWICER, Huissier de Justice, 24 rue Yquem, 33490 SAINT MACAIRE